?”Aplikace potkala prezentaci, zrealizovaly transport sítí, spojily se fyzicky.”

Referenčný model ISO/OS pozostáva z nasledujúcich vrstiev: Aplikačná, Prezentačna, Relačná, Transportná, Sieťová, Spojová, Fyzická


“Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away ”

“Please Do Not Touch Steve’s Pet Alligator”

One direction: Physical, Data link, Network, Transport, Sesion, Presentation, Application

“All People Seem To Need Data Processing” (this is a popular one)///”All People Standing Totally Naked Don’t Perspire ”

“All People Should Teach Networking Daily Please.”

Other direction: Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data link, Physical

viac na : http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_OSIReferenceModelLayerMnemonics.htm


Big endian / Little endian

BIg- most(Big) sIgnificant  byte goes to lowest address. (Highest address – least significant byte)



LIttLe- Least(Little) sIgnificant  byte goes to Lowest address.  (Highest address – most significant byte)



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